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Relevant litteratur - spiseforstyrrelser

​Relevante artikler

Aasland, O. G., Husum, T. L., Førde, R. & Pedersen, R. (2018). Between authoritarian and dialogical approaches: attitudes and opinions on coercion among professionals in mental health and addiction care in Norway. International journal of law psychiatry, 57, 106-112. 

Atwood, M. E., & Friedman, A. (2020). A systematic review of enhanced cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT‐E) for eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53(3), 311-330.

Backholm, K., Isomaa, R. & Birgegård, A. (2013). The prevalence and impact of trauma history in eating disorder patients. European journal of psychotraumatology,4(1), 22482.

Bang, L.& Rø, Ø. (2021). De sultet seg for å hjelpe andre. Tidsskriftet Den Norske Legeforening

Berg, K. H., Eik-Nes, T. T., & Natvik, E. (2023). Experiences from a 10-week weight-neutral treatment program for patients with clinical binge eating disorder and higher weight.

Bjørnelv, S. (2011). Kampen om kroppen på liv og død. Tidsskriftet Den Norske Legeforening, 131, 361. 

Bjørnelv, S. (2018). Spiseforstyrrelser. In T. F. Aarre & A. A. Dahl (Eds.), Praktisk psykiatri (2 ed., pp. 237-260). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Christoffersen, H., Skårderud, H. R., Vrabel, K., & Weider, S. (2023). Self-compassion as a mechanism of change in patients with eating disorders and childhood trauma receiving CFT-E; a study of within-person processes. Nordic Psychology, 1-17.

Danielsen, M. (2016). Disturbed body image and compulsive exercise in female eating disorder patients.

Danielsen, M., Rø, Ø., & Bjørnelv, S. (2018). How to integrate physical activity and exercise approaches into inpatient treatment for eating disorders: fifteen years of clinical experience and research. Journal of Eating Disorders, 6(1), 1-9.

Danielsen, M., Bjørnelv, S., Weider, S., Myklebust, T. Å., Lundh, H., & Rø, Ø. (2020). The outcome at follow-up after inpatient eating disorder treatment: a naturalistic study. Journal of Eating Disorders, 8, 1-12.

De Vos, J. A., LaMarre, A., Radstaak, M., Bijkerk, C. A., Bohlmeijer, E. T. & Westerhof, G. J. (2017). Identifying fundamental criteria for eating disorder recovery: a systematic review and qualitative meta-analysis. Journal of eating disorders, 5(1), 34. 

Eik‐Nes, T. T., Horn, J., Strohmaier, S., Holmen, T. L., Micali, N., & Bjørnelv, S. (2018). Impact of eating disorders on obstetric outcomes in a large clinical sample: A comparison with the HUNT study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 51(10), 1134-1143.

Elzakkers, I. F. F. M. (2017). Weighing the options: Compulsory treatment, mental capacity and decision making in anorexia nervosa. Oudegracht: Utrecht University. 

Fairburn, C. G. (2014). Få bukt med overspising: hvorfor overspiser man, og hvordan slutter man med det? (A. Sjøbu, Overs.). Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk.

Franko, D., Tabri, N., Keshaviah, A., Murray, H. B., Herzog, D. B., Thomas, J. J. & Eddy, K. T. (2018). Predictors of long-term recovery in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: Data from a 22-year longitudinal study. Journal of psychiatric research, 96, 183-188.

Hovland, I. H., Flaaten, V., & Stedal, K. (2023). Temperamentbasert terapi med støtte (TBT-S): en nevrobiologisk-fokusert tilnærming til ernæringsbehandling av spiseforstyrrelser. Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring, 21(3), 12-17.

Isdahl, P. J. (2022). Spiseforstyrrelser. Forståelse og behandling. En håndbok.

Lock, J., Le Grange, D. & Russell, G. (2013). Treatment manual for anorexia nervosa : a family-based approach (2. utg.). New York: Guilford Press.

Martini, M. G., Barona-Martinez, M., & Micali, N. (2020). Eating disorders mothers and their children: a systematic review of the literature. Archives of women's mental health, 23, 449-467.

NICE Guidelines. (2017). Eating disorders: recognition and treatment (1.12.3). Hentet fra

Nolte, J. M., Cvetanovska, E., Rasmussen, M. B., Gudbergsen, L. V., Søeby-Land, C., Andersen, A. M., ... & Rønneberg, E. T. (2023). Anorexia nervosa i graviditet og barselsperiode. Ugeskr Læger, 185, V05220352. 

Skårderud, A. F. Når maten sitter fast i hodet: om kultur, kropp og kontroll. Psykisk oppvekst, 71.

Smith, A. R., Zuromski, K. L. & Dodd, D. R. (2018). Eating disorders and suicidality: what we know, what we don’t know, and suggestions for future research. Current Opinion in Psychology, 22, 63-67.

Stokke, O. M., Karttinen, E., Halvorsen, C. A., Vinter, C., & Skogli, E. (2022). Samfunnsverdien av å forebygge spiseforstyrrelser. Menon Economics, Rapport, 3, 2022.

Weider, S., Indredavik, M. S., Lydersen, S. & Hestad, K. J. (2015). Neuropsychological function in patients with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 48(4), 397-405.

Wonderlich, S., Mitchell, J. E., Crosby, R. D., Myers, T. C., Kadlec, K., LaHaise, K. & Dinkel, J. (2012). Minimizing and treating chronicity in the eating disorders: A clinical overview. The International Journal of Eating Disorders, 45(5), 467-475.              

Sist oppdatert 22.04.2024